
You find uses for the 580K loader/backhoe anywhere there's work to be done. Put it to work digging trenches and basements, craning heavy pipe and manholes, loading trucks and hoppers, breaking up concrete and asphalt, and snow removal and material handling.
Why Go from an E to a K?
The new 580 is designated 580K because Case has used the letters F, G, and H on its internationally produced 580 loader/backhoes. (The 580F and 580G are made in France, the 580H in Brazil.)
The letters I and J are not used in the construction industry because of a precedent set many years ago to avoid these letters in model designations.
Thus, the new Case 580 becomes a K.
Purpose of this Brochure
The purpose of this brochure is to highlight the changes and advancements from the 580 Super E to the 580K. You'll note that the 580K features more than 146 improvements in performance, reliability, serviceability and operator comfort.
Main Frame
Box Section Unitized Main Frame
The 580K features a total box-section, unitized main frame compared to the channel-section, unitized main frame used on the 580SE. The new 580K design provides:
□ Increased strength.
□ Use of the chassis main structure as the fuel tank and hydraulic reservoir.
Two Main Frames
The 580K features both an integral backhoe and detachable backhoe main frame. This design offers your customer a choice in main-frame design for the following benefits:
□ The detachable backhoe chassis provides added versatility. Your customers can install rear-mounted equipment, such as a mod hitch with a box scraper or grader blade.
□ The integral backhoe chassis is ideal for customers who don't need extra versatility. It offers greater backhoe-to-chassis integrity at a lower price.


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